Jan 30, 2010

Not About Saving Your Relationship, but Keeping the Relationship with the Woman

I’m not into my middle age yet but I can tell you something. I’m A MASTER when it comes to relationships with women. Keeping and saving your relationships with your woman is an art. And the hardest part is that you cannot resort to some bibelot pickup routine or gimmicks to sustain your relationship with the women. It asks for some REAL game, which is not meant to be a game but actually the ‘dance of life’.

I know that many men would admit one thing. Even at times, when they were able to attract some hot woman into their life, they found it very hard to keep the relationship with the woman. In the beginning, the relationship goes strong and fun, but soon into it, the whole fire sizzles out and SHE LEAVES YOU. And that pain is excruciating. Firstly, the validation of a very beautiful woman is addictive and when she is the ONLY woman in your life, then it sure HURTS.

In this blog, I will teach you how to keep the relationship with hot women.

Firstly, NEVER change what you used to be. She was attracted to that part of your personality and you cannot afford to drop that part altogether. Most of the time, after you start feeling secure in a relationship with your woman, you completely change, which I don’t know why. But you start acting like a wuss and you don’t strike that SEXUAL TENSION chord. That’s a big mistake.

Yes, when we are talking about sexual tension or that sexual charge in the interaction, remember, that can only be sustained when you DON’T surrender yourself 100 percent to the woman, in the beginning of the relationship with the woman. To make sure you don’t misinterpret it, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t open yourself up to the woman or that you should not commit yourself in the relationship with the woman. If you don’t do that, she will LEAVE you more so. Why? It’s because you are being damn predictable and you are NOT moving things forward, so you are boring.

You should NEVER BE BORING. You may not sarcastically challenge her. It may be odd to play the jealousy plotline once you are into a relationship with the woman. But you sure can FLIRT, can’t you? You sure can GIVE HER ROMANTIC SURPRISES, can’t you? You sure can SEDUCE HER with YOUR IRRESISTABLE PASSION, can’t you? Yes, my personal experience says, sometimes your mind-blowing seductive foreplays are enough to keep her charged up. Women want to be desired, seduced and loved by their man. Give her the gift of being a woman in the relationship with you, the man.

 And as in any male-female interaction, more commonly called relationship, you should always make her miss you (read ‘make her fall in love with you’). Yes, when she misses the great experiences, the good time she spends with you and she misses you, she FALLS IN LOVE with you. This being ‘hard to get’ thing, 90-10 rule, where you give 90 percent of yourself but keep the rest 10 to yourself is what she LOVES about you and what keeps that initial interest, the LOVE in its place.

How to do that? GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN! Don’t cling to the woman. Don’t orbit about the woman. Have some purpose in your life and pursue some goals in your life. She wants to be a part of your world, not that you ought to be a part of her world. When she feels you have a life and add value to her life too, she stays in the relationship with you. As Stephen Nash aka Playboy calls it, AUTONOMY. Your lifestyle ATTRACTS and KEEPS HER ATTRACTED in a relationship.
"Most of the relationship end because of lack of chemistry. And sexual chemistry depends on attraction."
And before you go, take one important tip from me: ALWAYS possess a STRONG REALITY. Remember, girls are used to test men at every stages of a relationship, and as a man, you are supposed to take them confidently and pass them like a man. Even if she is attracted, she will still play hard to get at times. She will try to give you a hard time at times. IGNORE! Believe in what you are doing. Yes, you have to calibrate to the woman in the relationship. But only a great player knows when to stay strong, push forward and when to pull back a bit. But whatever you do, BE IN CONTROL in the relationship. She wants to see that you will CONTROL her frame, not that she controls you.

That’s all you do to keep your relationship with your woman. Remember, it’s not about saving your relationship, but about keeping it in the first place

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