Jan 23, 2010

TWO Factors that creates ATTRACTION!

I’m a highly analytical person and I think that some people will call me a geek as well. Well, yeah I AM. I’m always looking to theorize every single aspect of dating women – mainly, how to pick women up and how to keep relationships with women. Yes, that’s my hobby, that’s my passion and that’s my obsession.

I will make it short in this one. The TWO most important factors that creates ATTRACTION are:

Real ConfidenceWhat do you mean by real confidence? Well, when you are comfortable in your skin and you are not afraid to express your real side, and move through the world in an unapologetic, dominating way, that’s when you have Real Confidence. And Real Confidence creates Attraction. Women don’t want you to be always dressed in the best clothes and goggles. Women don’t want you to TRY to be smart before them. They don’t like wannabes. Women WANT you to be that MAN who is secure inside and can provide them with a stable reality. That’s what women want.

Now, your question will be how can you be confident among beautiful women? Of course, you are not accustomed to being around beautiful women that much. Right you are! So, the next step will be to interact with as many females as you can. And in EACH of the interactions, you have got to STAY NORMAL. You cannot TRY, you cannot TRY to seek rapport or you cannot even TRY to break rapport, that’s a sign of seeking rapport, by the way.  You just stay natural as you normally are in your daily life. Treat her as everyone else.

Flirtation – Now, this is a very tricky topic, to be honest. What is flirting? How is flirting actually done with women? This is mainly attributed to the definition of flirting that means playfully making romantic or sexual overtures. Flirting is essentially subcommunicating romantic interest in the woman in a HIGH VALUE way. But, most of the time, men would show interest instead of conveying it, and also do it in a rapport-seeking manner. Actually, flirting is when you convey interest but still show sexual power over her. So, you can NEVER say or do something that indicates interest in her DIRECTLY. You have to say something, mean something, do something and transmit something. That’s the essence of flirting. Flirting pushes the woman (verbally or in action) but pulls her through the indulging sexual vibe. You are flirting with the woman when you CHALLENGE her while conveying ROMANTIC INTEREST in her. Flirting works on the cat-string theory. So near yet beyond reach! That’s what flirting means, in the true sense of the term.

And if you can flirt well, you create sexual tension. And what is the importance of sexual tension? Sexual Tension creates ATTRACTION.

But is ONLY attraction enough? No. Another most important factor is still there that determines the success of your dating life…Will talk about it in the next post. 

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  1. I absolutely agree with this post! Women crave confidence because it assures them that the man that they are interested in will be able to provide them with comfort and security. I have a psychology background and many of my studies have confirmed that women from across the globe in different societies are all equally attracted to a confident man. In one of my more recent articles I discuss a proven strategy used by therapists called "introspection", which is designed to improve your confidence level. Here is the link to my article: http://alpha-lifestyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/women-love-confidence-how-to-build-it.html

    Keep up the good work, and keep those articles coming!

    -Evan Gonzalez

  2. I agree with some parts of this article. Confidence is a huge sexual attractant, but you cannot treat her like you do everyone else. You have to walk the line of being an ass and being a nice guy. If you can do this you do not have to worry about flirting. she will be flirting with you. Trust me. I am a short bald guy who dates alot of beautiful women.

  3. @Evan, a nice blog there...keep it up!
    @Peter, it seems that you have GOT IT. And you are right that in some cases the girl who is sexually attracted to you, flirts with you herself. But when you need to CREATE attraction, these two factors to attraction are absolutely important.
