Jan 25, 2010

When It Comes to Success with Women, What I Do

Well, I was the proverbial geek at one point of my time and I NEVER had a bit of success with women before that. Now, over the time I have strived very hard to improve myself to a point where being successful with women is not some virtual imagination anymore. I can go out and meet women, eventually coming back with phone numbers and day 2’s.

So, what’s my secret behind the success with women? What do I do that you DON’T?

Well, first of all, I have learned to QUALIFY WOMEN. I can compromise with the quantity of success with women but never with the QUALITY of that success with women. First decide what you want, whom you want and just go on a mission to SEARCH her. If you think you can boast to your pals that you have shagged over 100 women and inside you know that none of them were even HB7, then it’s of no use. You want only HB9’s and HB10’s. But you are quenching the thirst with only the lesser ones. And then you are bragging about that to your friends. That’s not what being a player is. That’s not what being successful with women is. Go get WHAT YOU WANT

Secondly, the old Nike’s slogan: JUST DO IT. Just be in the moment. There’s no substitute to that. In fact, what I have found to be working for me is when I find someone really worthwhile meeting, just don’t think. Straight shoot off to her and say her that you wanted to meet her. Don’t worry about the approach. The energy that you give out when you completely get absorbed in the moment is of ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE AND SEXUALITY. Just focus on the moment, focus on HER and walk up to her. You don’t try to act anything. TRYING means you SEEK RAPPORT. No seeking rapport at all! Not even trying to flirt with her. Just walk up to her and TALK NORMAL as you know her for years. She is just like everyone else, bro! You just wanted to meet her. Don’t try to act too arrogant. Don’t try to be wishy-washy. Just BE YOURSELF. You see, the old adage still applies.

KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. It’s the quality that matters.

GO FOR IT. If you two click, good it is. If not, then you are going to meet someone else. That’s what being a player is.

That’s what success with women means.

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