Dec 2, 2009

The BEST Opener to Approach Women

Approaching women is an art and the first step towards that artistic performance is an opener, no, not a pickup line.

So what is the best opener? What has the highest success rate?

Before telling the answer to the above questions, let me state one thing very clear. Every woman has her specific preference pattern. Some like to be approached and some don’t like to be approached. That’s as simple as that and you just have to be mentally prepared for that. You just cannot know whether she likes being approached or not, unless you approach her. What an irony! But if you have got some time, you can definitely study her a bit and then take the most apt way.

Now the answer to the big question…According to a survey on “approaching women” held by the Chicago University, the most successful opener is a simple Hi. They asked women from different age groups and from different social status. Most of them preferred just a Hi. Now you must be thinking why that is so. When you can spout out such clever pickup lines, why on earth would something as unassuming as a simple Hi be successful? Well, there’s the trick. When you speak too much, you don’t give her time to imagine. What I’m saying is she hears your line and it is so clever that she literally has to think to understand it. You are engaging her conscious mind. You are engaging her logic. But what she wants is that you should engage her emotions right off the bat. When you say a Hi, she is not focused on the line, but rather the person who says the Hi. And that’s why she focuses more on you.

Perhaps, that explains why that simple Hi is so successful in art of approaching women.

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