Dec 1, 2009

What Do the Doctors Say Fat Loss?!

It's high time now. You don't want to be the blobby one. You are looking for the key to quickfat loss. You ask your friends to help you. They waffle for some time and then, hesitantly tell you some vague tenebrous so-called secrets. You didn't get convinced...It sounded so bizarre and difficult to implement from the sound of it.

Now, the question is why you would ever ask someone about health and fitness when they are in the IT field? Ask them about computers, damn it! And if you really need someone's help, listen to what the experts, that is, the doctors/nutrition specialists/dieticians actually have to say about it. Here's a list of five world-class doctors on their quick fat loss.

To start it, quick fat loss is never good for your body. It can have serious health implicationsafterwards. Instead, you should go for healthy weight loss systems.

Dr. Miter thinks that you should not go for desserts during your crash-dieting plan. In fact, fresh fruits and salads are the best way to keep the calorie low yet consume nutritious substances. Lean protein is also beneficial as long as you keep within your calorie limits. Nuts, pulses and seeds can be added into the diet. But most importantly, along with the diet chart, exercise is required for a quick fat loss. So, cardiovascular exercises or weight training for around six days in week is recommended. And alongside, you should also put up with a routine of intermittent yoga or Pilates session.

What about alcohol? If you cannot give up alcohol, don't devour the empty calories though. That's what Dr. Sally Morgan believes. She's a PhD in the subject of nutrition and she believes that you should always punch in alcohol and fruit juice together, and then drink it. Apart from that, you need to exercise regularly (whether cardiovascular, power or meditative).

Here's what Dr. Henry Mansfield, the director of a reputed weight management center, has to say about this. Too much of anything is bad and the same goes for the amount of carbohydrates you take in a day. Instead, you can prepare yourself a
low carbohydrate diet chart along with a lot of seafood included in it. Sea fish, lobsters and shrimps are great low calorie foods and HEALTHY as well. But you cannot eat too much of cereal, pasta, potatoes or bagels. Salads are a good bet as well!

And don't forget to exercise your upper body if you want to prevent weight gain , reiterates Dr. Henry Mansfield!

You got to know when you are really hungry, states Dr. Maria Santos. She's a PhD in Nutrition/Health and also the author of the famous book "How to eat right and feel right". She thinks that stress can be a cause of weight gain. So, you should always desist from fried junk foods and sugary aerated items. Instead go for low-calorie smaller meals frequently. Don't eat when you are not hungry. And occasional fat-saturated or high carbohydrate diet is acceptable. She focuses on eating right, not on eating less, as it seems!

Dr. Juan Hewitt, a well-known nutritionist, thinks that when travelling, it is easier to gain or lose weight. Well, that doesn't mean you have to perseverate into travelling on and on for a quick fat loss. But a balanced breakfast with steamed fish, brown rice and sprouts, along with a dinner session comprising of grilled vegetables, lean meat and oil/vinegar salad, makes for a healthy fat loss diet. But you do have to attend to your treadmill sessions regularly though.

If you check with them, you will know that they are not really asking you to stop eating as in so-called quick fat loss diets and live on a soup. But they are asking for a healthy lifestyle!

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