Dec 8, 2009

When You APPROACH A Woman…

How should you ACT? Remember, the first few minutes is going to be the judging factor whether she will comply to roll along with it or just turn her cold shoulder on you.

No doubt, you sure have to look to your dress, make sure you look clean and stable. And yeah, you must smell good. But more importantly, you should feel good. What does good mean? Well, suppose you were that high profile woman, spending her quiet time with herself in a café, what would you actually want? You are weary of the stupid pickup lines that you get to hear from the ‘smart’ guys (as they would like to think about themselves) or the blabbering, the inaudible muttering of the nervous geeks. You are definitely not waiting for the moment, when your dream man, riding on a horse, takes you away from the café. You are just not aware! You are not thinking of anything. A very normal phenomenon: hardly will you ever see any very pretty girl looking around at people when walking down the street or sitting in a café. That’s just the way it is.

But the point is they are still waiting for her ‘dream man’, subconsciously that is. She wants someone capable of playing at her level, someone quality. And when somebody like that approaches them, they feel glad to themselves.

But the question is how you can show that you are THAT man. You must have seen that when men approach women, they normally start to fidget uneasily or try to fake themselves as something they are actually not. This is particularly true with those ‘tough-looking’ men. They think that you need to show your toughness and manliness by NOT smiling and acting arrogant. And the upshot is that they come to the women as fake and turn women off big time. Remember, even if they are liked in the start, their attraction quickly wears off (com'on, who likes a fun-less stuck-up brawny Brian as a boyfriend). This kind of men can only impress the ‘fake women’ themselves. I need not define who they are, how they look like and how they behave themselves.

Instead, these quality women want you to BE CONFIDENT, POSITIVE and DOMINANT yet not over the top. Look REAL and BE REAL. This is very important with this girls or women. So, how should you approach women?

SMILE. But don’t laugh.

Be RELAXED. Walk slow, move slow, talk slow…

TEASE LIGHTLY. Don’t overdo.

Just remember, that these women won’t give them up to you that easily and they want SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T GIVE HIMSELF UP TO THEM THAT EASILY EITHER. Be SLOW in moving forward…don’t be fast and outright. This builds a certain kind of sexual tension, lets her imagine and think about you.

The first step towards FALLING IN LOVE!

---> Learn the Secrets of Approaching Women from the REAL DATING GURU.

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