Dec 23, 2009

Touching Women THE RIGHT WAY is Important

I was spending some time with my girlfriend the other day and I just popped a topic that brought out some great information from her.  And the topic is touching women the right way.

Touching and dating goes hand in hand. Here’s a job for you: go to any bar and just observe how those Mack-Daddies interact with women. You will see them flirting, smiling and TOUCHING women left and right. That separates them from the average Joe, trust me.

Touching builds connection (have you ever seen a child getting cozy?). It is all about expressing yourself through touch. In fact, there is a branch of scientific study evolving around it called kinesics. And when it comes to romancing and dating women, touching plays a big part, not only in the initial stages but also in the final stages of seduction.

Let me tell you a story. My friend once approached a woman by trying to act as if he was removing something from her shoulder. The next thing I know he got SLAPPED hard into his face by the woman. Well, does such a little act deserve such a great punishment? Well, perhaps yes it does.

Remember, touching when done the right way will create instant attraction with the woman but if it is done wrong, she will trash you as the creepy or weird men category. That’s as abominable as the ‘friend zone’… believe me on that.

The first thing that you should always ask yourself is if it is NORMAL to touch her. It’s definitely not the time when you touch her but the context of the situation that matters. In fact, you should touch her right off the bat, as soon as you enter the conversation.  But see to it that it’s just going with the situation. Don’t make it look like you are touching her for the sake of touching her. Touching should always be to express you better.

The second thing to focus on is where you touch. Yes, that’s important during the initial stages of attraction. If you try to reach the innermost spot, you got to wait. Yeah, that’s true. You have to wait and take it slow. It’s a rhythm, a dance. You break it and you break the sexual tension, the attraction that you have built till now. Just escalate slowly more and more into it.

The third thing is the energy, the vibe that you transmit when you are touching her. If you scintillate nervousness when touching her, she’s going to freak out. You should be calm and composed, in a flirtatious sexual state and let her chill down so that she can open her up. Remember the golden rule of pick up women: she feels what you feel.

Lastly, you should always test the waters. You should calibrate to the situation and if you see it isn’t working out, just move on to something else. Do what works and leave what doesn't!

That’s it.

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