Dec 15, 2009

The Ultimate Reason why you FAIL to Attract Women (for advanced PUAs)

You have been learning the picking up women thingy for quite some time, coping to adjust to the different tactics and tricks told to you by the other senior dating coaches and pick-up artists. But the problem is that when someone advises you not to show interest, someone else tells you to go up there and directly compliment the girl. Someone asks you not to call before three days whereas someone tells you not to wait so much. All of them behests you to take action and action you will take, but how? You are just so confused! You feel stuffed and you are not sure which one’s going to work.

This is just like the situation in sales, when the customer is overwhelmed with so many choices that they don’t purchase anything at last, because their thought process is clouded and they are scared away. This is the case with many budding PUAs, who just don’t know what to do. They are not clear with themselves. How on earth can they be clear about social dynamics and women then? This article strives towards that. It clarifies about what you really need and how you are gonna get there.

So, what’s the most important thing when it comes to picking up women? Why do you fail to attract them? It’s not because of your neediness, it’s not because you were not fun enough, it’s not because you were not mystery enough, but because you DON’T think you deserve that woman.

Just think about it. Why would you try to be fun, in the first place? You want to attract women, and if you NEED to be fun to attract women, you are being needy. Why are trying to be mysterious? It’s not because it’s your style but you have been told that you can get girls this way, again that neediness. Ok, here’s the biggie. You don’t want to be needy and you try hard for that. Why? You NEED to gain her attention and approval, and that’s why you shouldn’t be needy. Quite paradoxical, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

Now, the question is where does the neediness comes from…it comes from you doubting yourself. Whether you are being jealous, you are being nervous or you are just trying to be smart, you DOUBT yourself. You doubt your identity and you don’t have confidence. You are a wannabe! And you know how girls hate wannabes. They want to feel that solid inner strength. They want you to come from that unshakeable reality. You are secure of yourself, your identity, your very existence. This makes the girl attracted to you.

Remember, when you are approaching or you are interacting with that hottie, you should never doubt that she’s not gonna like you. You have solid looks, you have solid personality, you have an interesting lifestyle and you have solid future. If you are not sure of the looks, start taking fashion and grooming sessions, you should feel good about yourself. For personality improvement, take personality improvement classes or just idolize someone and emulate him. Work on your future, study hard, get a job and secure your future.

Ask yourself the following questions:

**Will she want me?

**Can she fall in love with me?

**If so, why would she ever fall in love with you?

You need to be confident on your value, a high sense of self-worth. It’s not about being rude or being angry. It’s just knowing how worthy you are.

Remember, she won’t love you because you love her. She will love you because of the person you are. Now, what kind of person you are? I always had a limiting belief that a woman always hankers after money, after good looks. They are initially attracted by money or looks. But I later realized they don’t feel ‘that thing’. In other words, they are not attracted to looks and money. They are attracted to the feeling you generate in them. And that comes from your personality that overshadows your looks and money and holds the key to the power of these latter two factors. In fact, most rich men and handsome men are very confident of themselves and that gives a positive feeling to the women around them. It’s all in the way you carry yourself. It’s all in how you make her feel, the way she feels when she’s with you.

You need to believe that you are a complete 10! This feeling of being a ten is what makes you desirable in the eyes of another ten. She knows that you are her equal and she get’s attracted to you. As most of the dating gurus and PUAs will assert, it’s all value. You must always have equal or more value than that of a woman.

So, I believe you need not try to be fun, you need not try to be non-needy, you need not try to be alpha…you just have to start working on yourself. You need to know and value yourself. That self-confidence will shine on her. Even if you feel a little nervous when making the move, just know that she’s your equal and you deserve her. The question is whether she deserves you or not.

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