Dec 25, 2009

Meet Women, Not Pick Up Women

Was the blog title a bit confusing? Well, it was perhaps. But what I meant is you should always meet women and you should never pick women up. Now, what kind of statement is that you find in a dating blog?

Okay, let me explain it to you. How did you get your first girlfriend? Perhaps, you were in college and you were partnered together for the chemistry lab project, or maybe you went to a friend’s house party and you were introduced to you as one of his sister’s friends. If you look back at it, you will understand that you were not out ‘sarging’, were you? Do you know what sarging means? Well, it means to go out and prey on women.  

You were just letting yourself out of your little world and being social. Yes, that’s the word, being social. You have to open yourself up, and go out a lot more. You cannot just stay inside the home and pray to God that you want a girlfriend. You have to go out and meet women (don’t read ‘pick up women’). Visit a bookstore regularly, join a painting, cooking or dancing class… you can also join any workshop for that matter…you can hit the gym, visit the mall, the activity club or the local art gallery. You shouldn’t have the mindset of that you are going out just to hit on women. That’s sick I think. That leads to a very poor ‘low-value’ mentality. You depend on what others think of you.

But ‘do your niche-work’, as Ron-Louise will tell you. Choose a place you like to visit and go over there to meet women. Streets may be hard for anyone. As if you were a tourist, you would have to go out and make friends. The same should be your motive. Keep some time for yourself when you go out and make some friends. You are not hitting on them, because unless they prove their worth, why would you? You can choose any place you like. Just take some out time and MEET PEOPLE.

Yes, you are supposed to meet people. Go out and expand your social network. If you feel like you want to know the person, just walk over and meet that person. And as you are both in the same place at the same time, it naturally creates a kind of connection between you two.

You approach someone not thinking, ‘okay, I have to pick her up or I’m sad’. In fact, you cannot pick up every woman you think you want to. You should be thinking, ‘well, she seems nice, let’s find more about her’. Just make your move and go over to meet her. A simple Hi is enough to open a conversation, if you are at a static place. In a dynamic place where everyone is moving, you can go with a Hi but you need to calibrate on it a lot. Since you are breaking into her reality, her motion, she might be opposed to it. And that’s why wearing a non-pushy demeanor is best. But yes, a Hi is always the best way to open a conversation.

Note: Want a Dating Guru to guide you? Check HERE.

Just let yourself and her know that you are not picking her up. You are just meeting her, to see if she can be someone you would get to know.

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